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After the first year do my strawberries grow again?


Hi, I have a two tier planter box with strawberries from last year. It was the first year so do I remove all plants or do they regrow? If regrowing should I just feed? Thanks, Julianna.


Yes, you can leave your plants in for a second season and the plants will produce fruit but not as prolifically as they did in the first season. The crop and fruit size will be reduced. It is always good to take runners off the plant at the end of summer or plant new plants in late winter, this will give you a fruiting continuity, and you will get a more abundant crop next season if you plant out the runners. Be sure to feed your strawberry plants with Tui Strawberry Food if they are still fruiting.


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After the first year do my strawberries grow again? Comments

  • I have learnt something from this. I grown our strawberries in bags and last season i chopped the runners off and tossed them:) this season i will keep them and morelike toss the old plant. Thx

    Margaret Hansen

  • Hi Margaret, that's great! Glad to hear this question was of help to you :) Thanks, Tui Team


  • After the first year do my strawberries grow again?

    Christina Aish

    • Lianne, Tui Team

      Hi Christina, yes you will get 2-3 years out of your strawberry plants, after that fruiting reduces and fruit size is smaller and those plants can be discarded. Every year plant runners that are produced at the end of summer so that your strawberry patch is continually being replenished. Remove dead leaves from around your plants, remove any straw mulch as this is a great place for slugs and snails to hide in winter and replace the straw in spring. Feed your plants in late winter, early spring when you see them starting to flower, continue feeding every 4-6 weeks with a specialty fertiliser such as Tui Strawberry food. You may get deformed fruit appearing through winter, these are partially pollinated flowers and will not amount to much so it is best to remove them.

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