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Can I cut the runners off my strawberries if they are still fruiting?


My strawberries are still producing fruit abundantly but are also producing runners. Should the runners be cut off while the strawberry plants are still fruiting? Thanks, Lynn


Yes you can remove the runners now, or you can leave them on the plant, it won’t affect fruiting. When you remove the runners, plant them out to become your strawberry plants for next season.

If you leave your existing strawberry plants in, next season the crop and fruit size will be reduced, therefore you will get a more abundant crop next season if you plant out the runners. Be sure to feed your strawberry plants if they are still fruiting.

Follow our guide to removing runners here >

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Can I cut the runners off my strawberries if they are still fruiting? Comments

  • What causes multiple bulb being formed on Garlic? Planted June and harvested Jan. Thanks Paul.


  • Should i prune my persimmon tree after it finishes fruiting? I can't find any information that says i should.

    Karen Church

  • Hi Paul, thank you for your question. Was one single bulblet planted or were there multiple? This could cause two to form. I can’t think of any other reason why multiple corms would form. When planting garlic only use the biggest cloves and that way you will get big corms for harvest. Thanks Jenna (Tui Team)


  • Hi Karen, in the first 3-4 years it is important to prune persimmon to ensure a good framework is established so trees are manageable. Prune your persimmon in July-August. It is useful to know what variety you are growing as some varieties like Fuyu are vigorous, others not so. Pruning ensures trees are manageable, fruit accessible and able to have netting placed over them before the birds get the fruit. Persimmon flowers appear on new growth in spring from one year old wood (light-brown in colour in winter) with 4-6 buds at the end bearing flowers and ultimately fruit. Develop a framework of one central leader pruned at 70cm intervals so that it branches. If you let your tree go without pruning you will end up with scraggly branches and lots of small fruit. By maintaining a central leader system like this you will end up with a more manageable tree with larger (but less) fruit. Tip any long lateral branches and remove strong growth that is not needed i.e. more than one central leader. Avoid excessive pruning as this will lead to more vegetative growth, establish a good framework with a strong central leader, you don’t want droopy leaders. Create an open framework to ensure fruit ripen and the tree remains manageable as some can grow as high as 5 metres. Give any vigorous branches a light prune in November, avoid pruning fruiting branches. Remove suckers and weak lower branches. Fertilise your tree in early spring as buds burst and again once fruiting has finished. Use a balanced fertiliser such as Tui General Fertiliser ,Tui Fruit Food or Citrus Food. Thanks Jenna (Tui Team)


  • I have checked all previous strawberry Qs but nothing about my problem of black spots on the leaves. I cleansed all plants of spotted leaves so they could start again but back came the black spots. Help please.

    Judy Wallbank

  • Hi Judy, we suggest using Tui Disease Control for Fruit & Veges - Make sure leaves with spots are removed. Black spot is spread by rain and water splash. Putting barley straw down around the plants should help stop it spreading from the soil to the plant. Thanks, Tui Team


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