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Can I grow feijoas on the coast south of Dunedin?



I want to grow a fejoa tree but I live on the coast south of Dunedin. What protection would I need and do you think it would grow in this situation? I am concerned about the south westerly winds.

Suzanne Kallil


Hi Suzanne, are there feijoas growing in your region? Feijoas will tolerate light frosts but won't enjoy hard frosts. If you can create a micro climate for your feijoa with shelter from the prevailing winds and the salt spray you may be successful. It is worth a go.

If the tree is exposed and there is no way of sheltering it you may want to consider growing a semi dwarf or dwarf variety in a pot or wine barrel so that you can move it around. Check with your local garden centre or DIY store which varieties will grow in your region. 

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