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Can I Plant in the Same Spot After Rust on my Garlic?


Can I Plant in the Same Spot After Rust on my Garlic?



It is best to plant in a new position in the garden. Crop rotation is important, especially where you have had disease in a spot previously. Make sure there is good air circulation around the garlic and that the soil is well drained. Heavy clay soils coupled with wet weather provide ideal conditions for rust to form. Avoid overhead watering at night, water during the day so that the foliage has time to dry out.

Plant fresh corms, not the ones from last season crop that could have overwintering rust spores in the bulbs. Pick off the infected leaves when you first see signs of rust, that can help slow the spread. Unfortunately wet weather and heavy soils contribute to rust being a problem!

Regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic will also help keep your garlic healthy. 

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