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Can I use Tui Chicken & Sheep pellets around my roses?



Hi, is the Tui chicken and sheep pellet mix good for the soil around roses? Thanks.

Renata Stewart


Hi Renata, yes, Tui chicken & sheep pellets are excellent for around roses. The chicken manure is aged so can safely be applied around roses without the risk of burning plant roots, is a valuable source of nitrogen, as well as adding organic matter to the soil. The sheep manure is rich in nitrogen but also the lanolin in sheep's wool encourages earthworm activity as they come to the surface to get the wool and drag it deep down into the soil, this aerates the soil creating air-pore space for plant roots to grow. Tui chicken & sheep pellets contain calcium for healthy plant growth, potassium (potash) to promote flowering, and iron for lush green foliage. Roses need the soil replenished with organic matter each season in spring, so adding sheep pellets, chicken & sheep pellets, compost or mulch will benefit your roses hugely. Organic matter replaces nutrients removed by plants, the soil holds more moisture and fertiliser is less likely to leach out of the soil if it is rich in organic matter. Lianne, Tui Team.

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Can I use Tui Chicken & Sheep pellets around my roses? Comments

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