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For feijoa jelly can the fruit be used whole?



Hi, can you tell me with the Feijoa jelly recipe it says wash and chop Feijoas. Do you peel them first? Thanks Alison

Alison Motion


Hi Alison, to make feijoa jelly you can scoop the flesh out or peel the fruit and chop in half, but you can also use the fruit with the skins on. Cut the bottom calyx off and chop the fruit up, make sure the fruit is washed first if not peeling or scooping the flesh out.

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For feijoa jelly can the fruit be used whole? Comments

  • Actually, you can make feijoa jelly and jam from the skins alone. Makes a great use of the otherwise discarded rind. Only difference is, you must change it up by straining your boiled skins through a stocking hanging in a cupboard. In the end you will have a crystal clear, rose colour jelly. This is of course after you then boil with quinine or quinces etc. but we always used to keep our feijoa peels for this exact purpose.


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