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How can I control guava moth affecting my feijoa?



Hi, I have guava moth in all my feijoa fruit what should I do? 

Wendy Knight


Hi Wendy, guava moth unfortunately can be a problem with feijoas. At present no completely effective treatments exist. Guava moths lay their eggs on the fruit and the larva burrows into the fruit. It is very hard to treat once the plant is affected and is a big problem in warmer regions. Prevention is the best method of control. Cover the feijoa trees with fine netting immediately after flowering (when the petals have fallen) to protect the fruit. Secure with tape to the supporting branch. Remove fallen and rotting fruit, and dead leaves and mulch from under the tree as often the moths lay eggs in these areas.

Guava moth pheromone delta traps with sticky bases are available from garden centres and rural suppliers. 

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How can I control guava moth affecting my feijoa? Comments

  • The fejoa moth is in the plum tree Lemmon tree orange tree as well


    • Hi Wendy, that is a shame. The treatment information is the same if it is guava moth affecting these trees too. 

      Tui Team

  • I had a problem with guava moth spoiling my feijoas for a number of years, and spreading into our lemons. On searching the internet, Neem oil kept coming up as a possible solution so this year, starting when the fruit were tiny, I sprayed with Neem oil every 2-3 weeks at the concentration recommended on the bottle, and am delighted that I have had a much better crop this year!


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