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How can I stop ants eating my strawberries?


Hello, I wondered if you have any solutions for ants eating my strawberries. They are in their own space and the ground is covered in pea straw. I found one nest which I managed to destroy but still there are more ants! Any hints would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Sue.


Although an inconvenience, fortunately the ants do not harm plants. They are often there because there will be an insect exuding a honey dew such as scale insect, aphids, or mealy bug. We suggest checking your strawberry plants for signs of these insects, and applying an insect control product suitable for these insects if you spot any infestations. By controlling these insects you shouldn't attract ants.

A kind way of eliminating ants is by sprinkling a little salt around the base of your plants. Another idea is to plant the herb Pennyroyal near your strawberries as its aromatic foliage deters ants.

Alternatively you can use bait stations which you can purchase at hardware stores.

Now is a good time to top your strawberry plants up with some Tui Strawberry Food too!

Click here for our Strawberry Growing Guide >

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How can I stop ants eating my strawberries? Comments

  • Hi there, i would like to know about spraying Bug oil on my citrus trees. I have had something eating the leaves and i wondered if the bug oil would deter the bees from the flowers on the trees? thanks


  • I don't have problems with ants in the strawberries - the problem here is slaters that eat bits out of nearly ripe strawberries.

    John Brooks

    • I am having the same trouble as John.Help!

      Debbie Parker

    • Hi Debbie, slaters feed on organic matter which is decomposing or composting. Suggest lifting your strawberries up on the ground maybe onto fresh straw, and prune back any excess foliage, this allows more light underneath the plant. Slaters love the dark and by increasing the amount of light in and around your plants, you will send them looking for other dark crevices to live under.

      Tui Team

  • Mix Boric Acid & Icing Sugar with a little water to make a paste and put in or on e.g. jar lid or bottle cap.

    Denise Hamilton

  • I'm just wondering, wont salt around plants kill them.


  • I note penny royal will deter ants is there any natural way of deterring white fly from my herb garden Thank you

    Vivienne Parker

  • Hi Vivienne, we would recommend Tui Insect Control for Fruit & Veges, it is a natural based product (canola oil based) which will control whitefly. Thanks, Tui Team


  • Try cut up lemon. Although I haven't tried this in the garden, I used the cut up lemon in the kitchen to keep the ants at bay.

    maria schimanski

  • Hi Lindy, we're not sure what the bugs are eating the leaves on your citrus trees. If you have aphids, whitefly, scale or mites we would recommend Tui Insect Control for Fruit & Veges which is a natural based spray - find out more here: If you aren't sure which bug you have, you can send a photo to us at and we can help identify it. Thanks, Tui Team


  • Hi Bronwyn, too much salt makes the soil sour, so we suggest using just a little to deter ants and slugs and snails. Thanks, Tui Team.


  • Regarding white fly we have them all over our lovely lemon trees and our strawberry bed which is elevated in a big plastic bin (like the blue farming ones but black) and cut in half length ways

    Donna Brown

  • Hi Donna, that is a shame. They are common at this time of year unfortunately. Have you tried spraying with a natural based spray? Check at your local garden centre for spray that is registered to control whitefly. Thanks, Jenna ^Tui Team


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