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How do I control mites on my strawberries?


Hi, this year I'm going to plant some strawberries in baskets and my greenhouse. When I planted them in the garden, there were wee mites that spoilt my crop. Your thoughts on how to prevent these would be appreciated. Also, should I still use straw around my strawberries in the greenhouse? Thanks, Donna.


The trick to keeping your strawberries pest free is to make sure they do not touch the ground, soil. Adding layers of Tui Strawberry Straw is ideal. Also make sure you have good ventilation inside your greenhouse, air movement helps prevent mildew issues too. Aim to keep the soil just moist but not waterlogged.

If required there are sprays available from your garden centre for controlling mites on your strawberries. Make sure you spray under the leaves as that is a common hiding area for them. Enjoy your crop and remember to take off any dodgy looking leaves as soon as you see them, mites hide there too. And a top tip for your baskets is to apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic once a month!


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How do I control mites on my strawberries? Comments

  • Can you tell me why I can grow beautiful heads of broccoli and large heads of cabbages but right beside those are small miserable cauliflower. They are all growing in the same soil.


  • Hi Vanessa, this does seem like a real mystery as they are all brassicas and members of the same family. You may have a brassica disease in the soil called club root; this stunts the performance of anything in the cabbage family. Suggest starting off new seedlings and rotating where they are planted. Cauliflowers do need more air movement to keep them actively growing, and don’t cope with wet feet as much as the other two do. Good luck. You could try growing them in a large bucket or pot. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Talking of strawberries. I have just purchased and assembled with hubbys help my shade house. I want to plant my strawberries in spouting guttering and have them hanging off the back wall of the shade house. Anything special I should do to ensure a decent crop. Cheers Nola Day

    Nola Day

  • Hi Nola, this sounds like a great idea. Check out our Grow Strawberries in Guttering guide here: for our top tips. Make sure you have good ventilation inside, air movement helps prevent mildew issues too. Aim to keep the soil just moist but not water logged.Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


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