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How do I deter ants from citrus trees?



Hi Tui, how do I deter ants from citrus trees. Thanks.



Hi Robyn, the ants are there feeding off honey dew excreted by sucking insects such as scale insect or aphids. To get rid of the ants, you need to get rid of the insect pests that are attracting them. Look for raised bumps on the stem and underside of leaves, if you can see any, that is scale insect and it can be controlled with a pyrethrum based insecticide spray or plant spraying oil. Aphids will be on the growing tips and new shoots, they are small insects that could be green, brown or black. Aphids can be controlled with the same treatment as scale insect, talk to your local garden centre or DIY store for a suitable control. Check for ants nests nearby by following the ants, they can be controlled using Ant Sand which they take back into their nest, available from DIY stores and garden centres. The Tui Team.

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