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How do I fix thick skin on my lemons?


Hello there, my Meyer lemon tree has a good crop of fruit but every lemon has very thick skin and a lot of white pith. How can I remedy this please? Thanks, Jean.


The main reason for this is nutrient imbalance. Even though citrus are easy care, if they don’t get the right nutrients it will affect how to fruit develop. Too much nitrogen is often the problem - this can come from heavy layers of animal manure, thick levels of compost or using the wrong fertiliser. Also they require deep watering in summer when the fruit is developing. To remedy, drench the plant with Seasol seaweed based plant tonic now, it will give the roots a boost, then apply Tui Citrus Food around the drip line. An extra application of potash would help as well.

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How do I fix thick skin on my lemons? Comments

  • We have rose buds forming but they appear to be some what deformed ,what is the problem?

    neil judson

  • Hi Neil, thank you for getting in touch. Are you able to email a photo of your rose buds to to help us advise on the problem? Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • I have a lime tree. I'm not sure what kind. The leaves are curled and looks bumpy and the limes are bumpy and the peel is thick. Also how do you know if the lime is ready to pick? Any information will be appreciated. Thanks


    • Hi Sara, it sounds like the leaves on your plant may have leaf roller caterpillar, treat with a spray registered from your local garden centre to control leaf roller caterpillar. The fruit could also be infected with scab which is very common in citrus, treat this with copper oxychloride spray. Feel free to send us a photo to to give us a clearer idea. Feed regularly with Tui Citrus Food and apply Tui Organic Seaweed at least once a month to help keep the tree healthy. Depending on the variety, limes are ready from early spring through to summer. They are best picked before they are ripe, while they are still green. As they ripen further they change to a yellow colour. It's usually best to pick fruit on the lower branches first.

      Tui Team

  • Why do the limes on cooking shows all look round and green both in and outside?


    • Hi Steven, the reason limes are green is that they are picked when they are green, once picked, limes do not yellow, but if left on the tree will turn yellow when they are ripe and will only turn yellow if left on the tree.


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