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How do I get rid of aphids on my roses?


Hi, I have aphids appearing on my roses already! Are you please able to help me get rid of these? Thanks, Raewyn.


If the infestation is small, you can wash them off your roses with a garden hose, or squash them with your fingers. If the infestion is bigger, check at your local garden centre for a suitable spray. Planting garlic under roses will also help keep aphids away.

Feed your roses in spring and summer, when they are actively growing with Tui Rose Food. If planted in pots and containers feed with Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser. Well watered, well nourished roses will have a better chance of keeping insect pests and diseases at bay.

Click here for our Rose Growing Guide >


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How do I get rid of aphids on my roses? Comments

  • Hi I have powdery mildew on the calendula I put in as a companion plant for my tomatoes. Can you suggest a non toxic remedy I can use. Thanks Rachel


  • I planted garlic in my rose beds and never had any aphids ever - trust it works for you also


  • I have aphids on my parsley plants,roses are fine. What can I use?

    June Thomson

  • Hi, My large swan plants have an infestation of rust coloured aphids, how do I kill the aphids without killing the caterpillars?


  • Great tip! Thanks for sharing Adrienne. Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi June, thank you for your question. Use Tui Insect Control for Fruit & Veges to control aphids on your parsley. There is no withholding period, so veges are safe to eat the same day you spray them. See more here: Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Rachel, thanks for your question. Use Tui Insect Control for Flowers to control powdery mildew on your calendula. Tui Disease Control for Flowers contains natural seaweed to aid disease resistance and food grade potassium bicarbonate, making it a safer choice for you your family and the environment. See more here: Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Paul, you can use Tui Insect Control for Fruit & Veges (natural product) if there are no caterpillar eggs on the leaves. If there are eggs on the leaves, squashing them with your fingers is the safest option, or spraying with some soapy water. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • I use a spray of a few drops of lavender oil in cold boiled water. The aphids disappear, but I may need a second spray later in the season.

    Lesley Berryman

  • Hi Lesley, that's a great tip and one we hadn't heard of before. Thank you for sharing! Happy gardening from the Tui Team.


  • I planted fennel in my rose garden and have not had a problem with aphids since doing so.

    Raewyn Stiles

  • Hi Raewyn, that's wonderful to hear. Thanks for sharing this great tip! - Tui Team


  • Recipe for aphids and powdery mildew spray from products everyone will have in their cupboards. 1 Litre of water, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp cooking oil and a few drops of washing-up detergent. Store in a spray bottle, so it can be used whenever necessary.


  • Great ideas Beverly, thanks for sharing! Happy gardening from the Tui Team.


  • I left the aphids on my swab plants and as a result I now have ladybirds.

    Sacha Young

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