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How do I remove and plant out strawberry runners?


Hi, my strawberry plants have runners. Could you please tell me where to cut the runners off and how to plant them for more strawberry plants. Thank you, Debbi.


Hi Debbi, you can remove the runners now, or you can leave them on the plant, it won’t affect fruiting. 

Planting out the runners of your strawberry plants is a great way to get more strawberry plants for free. If you leave your existing strawberry plants in to fruit for another season, fruit size will be reduced, therefore you will get a more abundant crop next season if you plant out the runners.

Runners form from the parent plant on a long stem, new plants grow at the end of these runners. Select the new plant you want to plant out and cut the runner, leaving it a few centimetres long.

Then plant the new plant directly into the garden with Tui Strawberry Mix as it has all the nutrients strawberry plants require.

Be sure to feed your strawberry plants with Tui Strawberry Food during the growing season - every two to four weeks to get the best from them.

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How do I remove and plant out strawberry runners? Comments

  • we just love your e/mails thankyou very much.


  • This question and answer was very helpful to myself as well as I have just potted up my own runners a few weeks ago and they are now ready to go back into the garden.


  • Have been planting my runners for many years now and they give me lots of strawberries

    Heather Barwick

  • What time of year is best to re-plant the runners?

    Karen Richardson

  • Hi Gloria, that's fantastic to hear. Thank you for your feedback we are pleased to hear you enjoy our newsletters. Jenna - Tui Team.


  • That's great to hear Heather, it is a wonderful way to get more strawberry plants for free :) Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Karen, now is a good time to plant them out. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Could you please let me know the variety name of the strawberry plants you recommended in your programme. Thanks

    Pamela Moore

  • Awesome thanks this is great advise


  • Hi Pamela, the variety of strawberries planted on Kiwi Living was Camarosa by Zealandia. Available at your local Mitre 10 and all good garden centres. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Would be great if there were photos to go with the explanation so we could see what you're talking about.


    • Hi Warrick, thanks for your feedback. We have added a photo to help demonstrate.

      Tui Team

  • Great to know, thanks for that.


  • Great advice thank you. Come the real autumn rain, I'll replant my strawberry bed.


  • I was told by an old, avid gardener (now passed on) to only ever take the first 2 runners as anything beyond that doesn't have the vigour as the first 1-2. I guess this might suit those who have lots of plants to select from however if short of plants be wary of selecting too many baby's beyond this as you may reduce the vigour of your crop in time. Hope this makes sense. Happy strawberry growing & eating.

    Linda Francis

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