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How do I stop barley seed germinating?



Last year I put strawberry straw under my strawberries and grass grew from the the straw. How do I stop that happening. It was fresh strawberry straw.



Hi Raewyn, the ‘grass’ is residual barley seed that has germinated from the straw, and while we take every step to try and reduce the amount of barley seed in the straw, there will still be seed attached to the straw. The pack does say that it may contain barley seed, and there is a Tui Tip on the pack to pull out any germinated seed. It does come out very easily when pulled and does not come back. The best thing to do before applying the straw around your strawberries is to shake the straw over a bucket or sheet of paper or cardboard to get rid of any excess seed before laying it around your strawberry plants. Lianne

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