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How do I stop the leaves turning yellow on my mandarin tree?


We have recently brought a property and have a few fruit trees which is great. However the leaves are turning yellow on my mandarin tree. I have tried feeding with citrus food and worm castings, do you have any other ideas please. Thanks, Jacqualine.


If magnesium is deficient then the leaves will turn yellow. Your tree will benefit from a dose of Epsom salts which is magnesium. Use Tui Epsom Salts Magnesium Sulphate. Also make sure your tree is free from weeds which will compete for water and nutrients and mulch around it to help conserve soil moisture as well as keeping weeds down.

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How do I stop the leaves turning yellow on my mandarin tree? Comments

  • this works well I have had to dose my fruit trees this year...

    Cynthia Casey

  • The leaves of my citrus trees are turning yellow.What to do.What is your advise.

    Bob Rusanov

  • Hi Bob, the above advice applies to your question as yellowing of citrus leaves indicates magnesium deficiency. We suggest applying Tui Epsom Salts and regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic will also help. Happy growing ^Tui Team


  • Another suggestion is going to Binn Inn and getting your Epson salts there as one can get larger or small amounts as needed


  • Why do my mandarins go brown on the tree?

    Isaac Hernando

    • Hi Isaac, this is brown rot, which is a fungal disease and can be controlled in winter with regular applications of copper based sprays. Spray again after flowering has finished. A few things can be done to help prevent brown rot - collect up fallen leaves and fruit and dispose of in the rubbish rather than place in the compost, this will help prevent the spread of the disease. Wet weather during flowering is when the disease is prevalent. Thin out the foliage of the tree, mandarins can be quite dense, improve the air circulation throughout the tree and this will reduce the incidence of the disease finding ideal conditions to multiply and infect your fruit. Pick off the infected fruit as leaving them there will only help spread the disease dispose of in the rubbish, not the compost.  

      Tui Team

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