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How do I treat aphids on my strawberries?


Hi, I have loads of lovely little strawberry plants in the garden that were doing really well, but have suddenly become infested with aphids. Any natural fixes? Thanks Katrina.


First, try blasting the infestation off with the hose, or squashing them individually. If this doesn't work, treat aphids on your strawberries with a spray suitable from your local garden centre.

To avoid future infestations keep your strawberry plants well fed and watered as healthy plants are less likely to be affected by pests and diseases. You could also try companion planting some marigolds with the strawberries to keep the aphids away.


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How do I treat aphids on my strawberries? Comments

  • I use Neem granuals. lightly sprickle them over your strawberry bed at the beginning of each month. Neem granuals are a natuaral insecticide and also kill the small grubs that normally invade strawberries.

    Wayne Morris

  • I have Blueberries,Raspberries and Blackberries growing in containers. What l want to know is what should l be doing to feed them with Kind regards josephine


  • Hi Josephine, we recommend Tui NovaTec Premium Fertiliser: it is perfect for these berries in containers and is a slow release fertiliser, so feeds plants for up to 4 months. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Do these things work for wild strawberries as well???


  • Hi Jessica, we haven't tested on wild strawberries but would definitely be worth a try. - Tui Team


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