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How often can Epsom Salts be applied to plants?



I have been using Tui Epsom salt only twice a year. Your package and website doesn't say how often you can use it. What is the time between the feeds. Thank you.



Hi Barry, as a general rule, a balanced fertiliser should be applied to plants as it supplies all of the nutrients and trace elements that plant require. Epsom salts is used to correct magnesium deficiency, plants need magnesium to produce chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. Epsom Salts can be applied every 8 weeks in the growing season to plants that are showing signs of magnesium deficiency, all other times continue feeding with a balanced fertiliser throughout the growing season. Too much of one nutrient is as detrimental as not enough and can cause a nutrient imbalance in the soil which affects the uptake of other nutrients that plants require. Lianne.

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