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How to identify and treat a lawn with grass grub


Hi, how do I identify a grass grub infestation and treat at this time of year on a large rural lawn which appears to be turning to mud rapidly. Thanks Irma.

Irma Harris


Hi Irma, other than the lawn yellowing and dying, other ways to identify whether your lawn has grass grub is for birds, especially starlings, to suddenly visit and dig up your lawn. Grass grub damage is most obvious from March to July. To further investigate, you can dig up a square of lawn to a spade depth, turn the soil over, if grass grub are present, you have a problem. Grass grub are dormant in winter, the best time to treat your lawn is autumn and spring when the grubs are actively feeding. Talk to your local garden centre, hardware or farm merchant store for a suitable control. Lianne, Tui Team.

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