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I am looking for fingerling seed potatoes, can you help?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi there how are you ? I am trying to get a bit of production going for some new potatoes, would you have seeds for Pink Fir Apple or Ratte potatoes. Thanks very much. Regards Glenn

Glenn Smith


Hi Glenn, Pink Fur Apple and Ratte are fingerling heirloom varieties that are hard to come by, you may find them at farmers markets, I know Pink Fur Apple is sold at the Tauranga Farmers Market, but haven’t seen Ratte (La Ratte). Neither of these are varieties that Tui sell. Look for Maori seed potato varieties as an alternative which have the nutty earthy taste you are probably looking for. Lianne, Tui Team.

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I am looking for fingerling seed potatoes, can you help? Comments

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