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I want to multiply my feijoa that has large fruit, how can I do this?



Hello, I have a feijoa tree, it produces very large fruits, now I want to increase their numbers, but I can't. I plant it from the seeds of the same tree, it produces completely different small fruits, what should I do?



Hi Imran, your large fruiting feijoa will be a named variety and so will not come true to variety if grown from seed, it needs to be propagated from cuttings or grafted. If, as you have found out, you try to propagate from seed, you will get an unknown seedling, not the same variety as the mother plant. The seedlings you have grown could be used to grow on for a year, and then graft mature fruiting wood off your mother plant on to the seedling, use semi hardwood for the scion wood to graft on to the seedling.  Alternatively, take semi hardwood cuttings in late summer, make the cutting approximately 10-15cm long, cut the base at a leaf node or a heal where the shoot joins the main stem of the tree, place a small nick at the base of the cutting, dip it into rooting hormone and place in a damp propagating mix or pumice, cover and leave somewhere cool and shady until spring. If you have access to a mist tent and heated glasshouse you may be able to speed up the process. There are a few videos on youtube on how to graft and take cuttings. Lianne.

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I want to multiply my feijoa that has large fruit, how can I do this? Comments

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