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My brussel sprouts are flowering, what should I do?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi, I planted brussel sprouts in august is this the wrong time?? They are over 2ft tall but the top is flowering? Should I cut off top or is the plant ruined already? Thanks.



Hi Ted, brussel sprouts are planted in late spring, early summer and are a winter crop, they are harvested in winter. Your Brussel sprouts have bolted, that is, they are planted at the wrong time and have gone to seed, the plants won’t be salvageable, remove and start again soon. There are several reasons for bolting, planting root bound seedlings, planting at the wrong time of the year, irregular temperatures (hot and cold) and also inconsistent watering. Sow seed in late spring (November) and plant seedlings in summer - December/January/February. Brussel sprouts are a long term crop, there are early and late varieties, and can take up to 120 days to maturity. They are shallow rooting so stake and tie plants as they grow to protect them from the wind. Make sure they are mulched through summer to protect the roots and watered consistently. Let the plant go to seed and collect the seed for re-sowing this season. Lianne.


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My brussel sprouts are flowering, what should I do? Comments

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