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My mandarin has dropped all of its leaves, should I leave the fruit on?

  West Coast


Hi Tui, my two year old mandarin tree has dropped all but three of its leaves on one windy day, October 22nd. There are still 10 large fruit ripening, the branches are still green. Should we remove the fruit to save the tree? Thanks.

Anne Householder


Hi Anne, that must have been some wind! It is a good idea to remove the fruit to help the tree recover a lot quicker. Apply Seaweed Plant Tonic to the tree at a rate of 70ml per 9L watering can weekly, this will help the tree recover a lot quicker. It might be a good idea to put some sort of shelter up to protect the tree and prevent this happening again. Once the tree is established it will likely better withstand high winds a lot better. Also make sure the tree is staked so that it is well anchored into the soil. The Tui Team.

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My mandarin has dropped all of its leaves, should I leave the fruit on? Comments

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