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Our peach trees had leaf curl and now the buds are dying back, can you help?



Hi Tui, we bought two peach trees from a reputable company, we planted them when the leaves were in bud. The leaves formed with "curly leaf", I sprayed them with copper. Now the leaves are dying! Help?

Damien O'Shaughnessy


Hi Damien, leaf curl is common on stone fruit, especially peaches, it comes early in the season with cool wet spring weather, but once the weather becomes drier, the affected leaves fall off and leaf curl goes away and growth is normal. The fallen infected leaves need to be collected up so that the fungal spores do not lay dormant in the soil until conditions become favourable again. Some varieties are more susceptible to leaf curl than others. Copper based sprays are protectants, they don't cure fungal disorders but protect plants and reduce the chance of plants being affected by disease. The leaf buds dying back is likely to be another issue, possibly a bacterial disease. Are you able to supply photos of the buds that are affected? Once I get a positive ID it will be easier to give a course of action. As you have only recently purchased the trees, you could always go back to the store or company you purchased the trees from and explain what has happened, most companies have a replacement policy if plants don't grow.  The Tui Team.

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Our peach trees had leaf curl and now the buds are dying back, can you help? Comments

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