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Plant bulbs twice the width of the bulb - is this the top or bottom of the bulb?


The rule of thumb advice on depth of bulbs is to plant twice the width of the bulb. Is this the top of the bulb or the bottom of the bulb for the depth. So if the bulb is 2cm wide, should the top of the bulb be 4cm from the top of the soil or 4cm from the bottom of the bulb? Thanks, Gordon.


Great question. It is to the top of the bulb. So if the bulb is 5cm wide, plant it 10cm deep, so the tip is 10cm below the soil. Make sure you apply Tui Bulb Food at planting time. Apply 200g (approx. 2/3 cup) per square metre of garden. Mix thoroughly into the soil and water in well.



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Plant bulbs twice the width of the bulb - is this the top or bottom of the bulb? Comments

  • NOW I am confused. Is it twice the width of the bulb or twice the length? Thanks :)

    Marg McKellow

  • Hi Marg, thank you for your comment. Sorry this was a typo on our part, it should be width of the bulb :) Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


    • Hi there, I've just received my Tulip bulbs (mid-May) and am wondering if it's too late to chill them and I should just get them planted out? I live in South Taranaki. Thanks


    • Hi Shelly, if your bulbs have come from a reputable grower, they will have already been through the chilling process and are ready to plant. 

      The Tui Team

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