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Should I remove the fruit on my passionfruit vine going into winter?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi, I have passionfruit growing on the vine, should they be removed going into winter as it is the wrong time of year for fruit.

Colleen Gibbs


Hi Colleen, leave the fruit on the vine, they may ripen as long as it doesn't suddenly get too cold and the vine is in a frost-free situation. The application of a liquid plant food such as Tui Seaweed & Fish every 2-4 weeks will help. Don't apply a liquid feed if you are in a frost prone area, any soft new growth will get frosted as it hasn't had time to harden off. If it gets too cold the fruit may drop off the vine green. The reason there is fruit so late into autumn and winter is because of the long hot summer we have had.

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Should I remove the fruit on my passionfruit vine going into winter? Comments

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