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What are the easiest bulbs to plant?


I've never planted bulbs before. I'd like to dot some around my new orchard for spring. What are the easiest for a first timer? Claire.


Great idea Claire. The easiest bulbs to start with are daffodils and bluebells. Both tolerate growing under trees and quickly bulk up over time to cover larger areas. To get the best result, make sure you plant the bulbs deeply, approximately twice the size of the diameter of the bulb, at least 5cm below the ground.

Before planting dig in organic matter like Tui Sheep Pellets and compost to your soil. Then add a layer of Tui Bulb Mix.

Feed your bulbs with Tui Bulb Food to give them a boost for their first flowering season.

Read the Tui Bulb Growing Guide >

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What are the easiest bulbs to plant? Comments

  • What are some good trees to plant along a fence line for privacy? We would like to be able to keep them under 8 foot in height, and something that's not too deep from the fence. They'll be north facing.


  • I saw mentioned BLUEBELLS where do you buy them from, I thought I had discovered them until I realised they were white onion bells

    Carole Kilincli

  • Hi Carole, oh that's a shame. Bluebells are available though. Check at your local garden centre or online here at Kings Plant Barn or NZ Bulbs. Happy planting ^Tui Team


  • Hi Liz, thanks for getting in touch. What part of the country do you live in? And do you prefer evergreen or deciduous? Feel free to email us back at and we will suggest some options. Thanks ^Tui Team


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