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What do I feed potatoes planted in planter bags with?


Hi, I am growing my potatoes in planter bags to save some space, but the tops have all fallen over and they are looking awfully sorry for themselves. Is there a certain product that can be used in planter bags? Thanks, Jody.


You need to keep mounding the potatoes, this will help stop them flopping over. Regular application of Seasol plant tonic will help and use a quality potting mix such as Tui Vegetable Mix rather than garden soil when planting in containers. Feed with PowerFeed for Vegies liquid fertiliser or Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser - both are suitable for container grown veges.

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What do I feed potatoes planted in planter bags with? Comments

  • I grow potatoes in bags last year, never again, I did everything by the book and about 4 potatoes in 2 bags.

    Wendy Galloway

  • Hi Wendy, that is disappointing! Check out our potato growing guide here for our tips: It could have been an issue with the actual seed potatoes? Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


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