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What is causing the holes in my lemons?



Hi there, the fruit on my lemon trees have small holes in the skin. It looks like birds have been pecking at them. Do you have suggestions on what is causing this and how it can be treated? Thanks Sue



Hi Sue, if they are small superficial 'nicks' in the fruit that look like a fingernail scratch, then the damage is likely caused by slugs and snails. You may not see them during the day but if you go out at night with a torch, they will be there feeding. Apply Tui Quash around the base of the tree as the slugs and snails shelter under leaves in damp places during the day. Alternatively pick the slugs and snails off and feed to the chooks or birds. If the hole is a lot smaller, more like a pin prick, it could be guava moth caterpillar. I am not sure how far south the guava moth has got, it is a big problem in Northland and Auckland. Cut the fruit open, if it is rotten inside, then the guava moth caterpillar has caused the damage. If you do think it is guava moth, check out our garden question page and search guava moth Lianne.

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