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What is the thick grey scale on our fruit tree?



We have an apricot tree with thick grey scale on the truck and branches, can this be cured?

Yolande Whitford


Hi Yolande, it sounds like you have lichen on your tree. It won’t be doing any harm to the tree, but does look unsightly. The best time to control lichen is in winter when the tree is dormant by spraying with Lime Sulphur, this is available from garden centres and hardware stores. If you use lime sulphur when the tree is in leaf it will burn the foliage so you will need to wait until winter next year to remove the lichen. Improving air circulation around the tree will help prevent lichen growing, remove overhanging branches, thin out criss-crossing branches.  Feed your tree in spring with an all purpose fertiliser such as Tui Novatec or a General Garden fertiliser. Water the tree consistently throughout the growing season. Mulch around the tree with a suitable mulch such as Tui Mulch & Feed or use organic compost to help boost the soil, help conserve soil moisture and to keep weeds at bay. Lianne

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