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What's eating the new leaves on my passionfruit vine? 



Hi Tui, something's nibbling the new leaves on my passionfruit vine. We have never had this trouble before. We planted new vines as our last one was 6 years old and was really on its last legs, but we got over 1000 fruit out of it. 

Anne Locke


Hi Anne

The holes in the leaves will be from slugs and snails, they love passionfruit leaves. Use Tui Quash Slug & Snail Control, which is a slug and snail bait that's safer for pets, children and wild life than alternative slug and snail baits. Go out at night with a torch and a bucket, we are sure you will be surprised at how many slugs and snails you catch.

Thanks, Tui Team 

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What's eating the new leaves on my passionfruit vine?  Comments

  • I’ve just done a night inspection of my passionfruit vine as I found a snail on it a few days ago and the vine is being demolished but instead of snails, I found it full of earwigs happily munching away. I’ve just sprayed it, so I hope it recovers.

    Leanne Cram

    • What did you spray your passionfruit with?


      Hi Nancy, earwigs are good guys in the garden as they help break down plant rotting material and organic matter in the soil. Sometimes populations do get out of control, here are a couple of handy hints - try screwing up newspaper and placing underneath the plant, the earwigs will hide in the paper, remove and dispose of in the rubbish after a couple of days, and replace. Remove any bark or mulch from around the plant as this gives earwigs a place to hide. Lianne, Tui Team.

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