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What type of fruit trees can I grow in containers?


Hi there, can you please tell me what type of fruit trees are suitable to grow in containers, and would they bear fruit? Thanks, James.


Yes, any that are dwarf or semi dwarf rootstock are suitable to be grown in containers – citrus is a good option. Garden centres will be able to help direct you based on which varieties are available. When growing citrus in pots, use a quality potting mix such as Tui Pot Power which has a six month controlled release fertiliser, water storage crystals for moisture retention and SaturAid to hold moisture in the mix and channel water to the roots.

As soil in containers dries out quicker than soil in the garden, apply SaturAid granular soil wetter every season to further enhance water absorption and retention.

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What type of fruit trees can I grow in containers? Comments

  • I live in the Ruapehu District and have grown a lime tree sucessfully in a pot outdoors in a sheltered position now for 10 years


  • Hi James, I have successfully grown a fig tree in a large container. It gave us a good crop this past summer. Fig trees actually like to be confined in containers, it suits them. We're in the Auckland area. Ask at your garden centre for a variety that doesn't grow too big.

    Stephanie Liebert

  • Thanks for your great suggestion Stephanie :) Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Trish, Just wondering what type of lime you have ? Many thanks Sue


  • I have an apple tree in a container and now wish to plant it into the garden. I think the roots would be through the bottom so how do I go about it?

    Frances Evans

  • Hi Frances, curly leaf is a problem. First of all remove all the leaves from the affected trees now, do not leave them on the ground as that is where the spores can over winter. Next choose a registered spray for leaf curl and spray as directed over the next few months and especially at leaf swell and bud burst. Prevention will help prevent the problem being so bad next year. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Should I prune a blackcurrant plant and will it grow ok in a large pot.. Thanks


    • Hi Leslie, blackcurrants are best pruned in winter, do this well before the new spring growth starts, otherwise you lose your fruiting wood for the following season. Blackcurrants fruit mostly on last seasons growth, pruning renews growth for the following seasons fruiting, removes old wood as well as weak spindly growth and prevents the bush from becoming too dense. Once the old wood is removed, keep 8-10 of the new shoots which will end up as next seasons fruiting wood, prune to an outward facing bud. Every 3-4 years the bush can be cut to the ground to regenerate new growth. Blackcurrants can be grown in large pots, a wine barrel or similar is a good size.


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