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When & how much do I water my orange tree?


Hi! I have a four year old orange tree. It is loaded with oranges but is looking quite sad. It has lost a lot of leaves although there are lots of new ones forming. I am struggling to find a happy medium with when to water and how much. I am wondering whether there is a rule of thumb for taking early fruits off young trees? Thanks, Alison.


Orange trees are like all members of the citrus family they love a little TLC to keep things on an even keel. The essentials are to prune in late spring to remove any dead or diseased growth and to allow plenty of sun light into the centre of the tree. Apply Tui Citrus Food in spring and autumn around the drip line of the tree, this supplies all the nutrients the plant needs to produce a reliable crop of fruit. With young trees, remove 50% of the fruit for the first few years, this encourages the plant to put the majority of its energy into growth above and below the ground as opposed to fruiting.

Water is a vital element from late spring until mid autumn, aim to water deeply at least once a week during this time - 1-2 buckets of water a week is a good guide. Adding a layer of mulch around the root zone will help keep the soil cooler and limit heat stress in the soil.


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When & how much do I water my orange tree? Comments

  • Thank you, I too was wondering how to treat my orange tree, and you have answered my problem

    Glenice Baty

  • Your advice is always very helpful. I've seen 'water deeply' before and wondered how much is that??? Now I know! Thank you very much for the tips.


  • The writer stated his tree was losing foliage. When fertilising don't go inside the drip line, I have seen young trees completley defoliate where fertiliser has been placed too close to the trunk.

    Les Camage

  • Answers mine too. Thank you.


  • I suggest you check if your tree is grafted, that you have not covered the graft area as this will affect the tree adversely.


  • It has dieback spray with copper, burnfruiet @ leaves that fall, it will recover with the help of Tui treatment too

    Jennie Morris

  • That's great Glenice, happy to help! All the best. Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Stephanie, no problem we are pleased this answer has also helped you with your orange tree :) All the best, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Great advice Les, thank you for sharing. Jenna - Tui Team


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