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When is the best time to prune my cherry trees?


Hi, could you please tell me when is the best time to prune my cherry trees as they are getting very tall, and this year I couldn’t reach the fruit so the birds got them. Thanks, Peggy.


Light summer pruning can be done, but the best time to prune is in winter on a dry day. The most effective type of pruning is a central leader system with 3-5 laterals (branches) coming off. Let the central leader grow to about 70cm then prune the top out so that the tree branches. Repeat this process. Prune out any diseased, or dead wood and also branches that cross over. You want to achieve an open vase shape to ensure the sun gets in to ripen the fruit and you get good air flow to stop disease spreading. Paint any large cuts that are bigger than 3-5cm with a water based paint or pruning paste to prevent disease entering the plant. Make the cut on a slant so that water runs off and doesn’t pool - that is why it is best to prune on a dry day.

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When is the best time to prune my cherry trees? Comments

  • Hi wen s da best tym to replant Roses.


  • Such a useful comment, thank you.

    Christine Harrison

  • Hi Rosina, thank you for your question. Roses readily transplant in winter. Prune roses back hard before moving, and ensure the graft is above the soil when placed in its new position. Add a layer of Debco Rose Compost once planted. If needed they will also hold well in pots and containers for 6-12 months. Thanks Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Ive 4 column dwarf apple trees, how do I prune them as ive seen pics if them with hardly any branches and the fruit is growing on the trunk area....or so it looks...please help...thankyou Bonnie


  • Hi Bonnie, thank you for your question. You don’t need to prune columnar apples they are very slender upright growing trees. The fruiting spurs are on the main stem and not the branches. You can cut out any dead or diseased material, generally you don’t need to do anything. If you are wanting to espalier the tree you can pinch the tip out to encourage side shoots to branch. Thanks Jenna - Tui Team


  • What is the correct way to prune a well established espallied apple tree and how often?I am living in Christchurch, (in case pruning times vary with regions).

    Andre Scrivener

  • Hi Andre, prune back any long branches over the next few months; shorten them back to 10-15cm. Next season the small buds on those shortened stems will pop out new growth or flowers. If it is flowering wood then you can expect it to fruit. Tie down any long stems you wish to train in the same way, it is a good time to do this now while the stems are still flexible. All the best, Tui Team


  • Why has my citrus tree got loads of ants?Will they kill the tree?If yes what can I use to get rid of them?As the leaves are all falling off.Many thanks


  • Hi Peggy, fortunately the ants do not harm the fruit, however they are there because there will be an insect exuding a honey dew such as scale, aphids, or mealy bug. By controlling these insects you should not attract ants. Check the leaves for signs of insects and then at your local garden centre for a suitable spray. Apply Tui Citrus Food (or Tui NovaTec if in a pot) in spring and summer and apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic regularly to help keep your tree healthy. Happy gardening from the Tui Team


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