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Which variety of seed potato will give me an early crop?


Hi, with so many varieties of potatoes out now we are after a nice early crop variety, what do you suggest? Thanks, Trish.


For a nice early crop choose from the following varieties - Rocket, Swift or Cliff Kidney. These three varieties will be ready to harvest in 90-100 days. Leave to sprout for a month before planting.


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Which variety of seed potato will give me an early crop? Comments

  • Hi, I would like to know ,can you plant tomatoes straight into the Tomato potting mix bag & what variety would give me the best crop. Thanks Judy

    Judy McSweeney

  • Every year I put down a cuple of rows of carrots and they never cum to any thing can help.


  • Hi Judy, yes you sure can plant tomatoes straight into Tomato Mix. Any variety is fine, tall varieties need staking. Try planting either a semi dwarf Russian Red (needs staking but doesn’t grow so tall) or tall cherry tomatoes which grow tall. The key to success is regular watering and feeding. Start feeding tomatoes once the first truss of flowers have set fruit. Thanks - Jenna, Tui Team


  • Hi Adam, thank you for your question. What sort of soil are they planted in, carrots like a fine free draining moisture retentive soil that doesn’t have a lot of chunky bits of bark, wood, stones as this will create distorted carrots. They also don’t like a really rich soil that has a lot of fresh manure added. Compost dug into the soil before planting is okay as well as a slow release fertiliser such as Tui NovaTec Premium. Carrots need temperatures above 5 degrees celcius to germinate and should be planted where they are to grow. They don’t like being transplanted. If temperatures are falling below 5 degrees it may pay to wait. Or, use a cloche over the plants to get them started. Manchester Table, Egmont Gold and Topweight are pretty reliable varieties to grow depending on what type of carrot you prefer. Thanks - Jenna, Tui Team


  • With regards to growing carrots. I find the best way to get the seed to geriminate is to cover seed with a sandy mixture of soil and a light covering of grass clippings or sawdust to retain the moisture to stop the ground drying out and ensure a good strike. I use the same process with Parsnips with good results.

    John Williams

  • Hi John, thank you for sharing this great advice! Thanks, Tui Team


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