How can I improve the growth of my capsicums? Plants last season were good, strong healthy looking but the fruit was tiny. Thanks karen
Karen Smith
Hi Karen, the reason for small fruit is likely because your growing season in the Canterbury region is a little shorter than in warmer northern regions, the smaller fruit could be due to a short growing season as they didn't have time to fully develop before it got cold. Capsicum are frost tender and need to be planted out after the last frost in spring and harvested before the first frost in autumn. The only way to ensure you get a longer growing season is to grow your capsicum in a glasshouse / tunnel house or indoors to get a head start before planting out. Other reasons for small fruit are inconsistent watering, temperature fluctuations during the growing season, poorly drained soils, and insufficient feeding. Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic helps plants handle temperature fluctuations, especially in early spring, apply every 2-4 weeks for strong healthy plants. Mulch around your plants to conserve soil moisture and ensure they do not dry out in the hot summer months, feed capsicum with a tomato fertiliser such as Tui Tomato food, or Tui Performance Naturals Tomato and Vegetable liquid plant food. Growing plants in pots may be an option to get a longer growing season, the pots can be moved when temperatures start to cool. Make sure plants grown in pots are well watered and regularly fed. Lianne.
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