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Why are my feijoas developing brown skin after they fall on the ground?


Hi, my feijoas are developing brown rotting skins after they fall to the ground. I wondered if it is from sun exposure? Or do they have a disease similar to what passionfruit get? Thanks, Margaret.



You are right, it is sunburn. Pick them up off the ground as soon as possible or place them in the shade if you can’t collect them straight away. Feijoas are relatively disease free and not susceptible to the ring spot that passionfruit get. The flesh inside won’t be affected, it is just the skin that looks unsightly and can still be used for stewing but won’t keep very long with burnt skin.


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Why are my feijoas developing brown skin after they fall on the ground? Comments

  • A question: when do I take the beans off the vine to collect the seed?

    Jan Le Roi

  • Really enjoying the Enewsletter, makes for great :take a break" reading. Have used several things already!

    Jan Le Roi

  • Hi Jan thank you for your feedback, it's great to hear you enjoy our newsletters :) When collecting seeds from the vine, allow the pods to turn brown and dry on the vine. Then you can either pick dried pods individually from the plant or pull out the whole plant and harvest the seeds. Thanks!


  • Hi I have grown a variety of beans eg butter, French, white runner and one or two others. I have a lot I have dried and plan to replant but are there any I can cook and eat as I have so many.

    Bev Pater

  • Hi Bev, some beans are suitable for drying and cooking but other beans are poisonous if dried and not cooked properly. Therefore the best thing for butter beans, French beans and runner beans is to blanch them and freeze them rather than dry the seed and then cook. Thanks!


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