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Why are my vege seedlings quickly going to seed?


Hi, my beetroot, spinach and cabbage seedlings shoot up quickly and go to seed. I have great soil and the plants are watered regularly, so what am I doing wrong? Thanks, Robyn - Cambridge.


These symptoms suggest the root systems of your plants are not getting enough deep water. It is important when watering to ensure that the water actually gets down into the soil, to where the deep anchor roots are as opposed to the soft surface roots which sit just under the soil. Deep watering a couple of times a week is better than a little and often. Deep watering encourages the roots to look deeper into the soil for water, where the soil is also cooler. If the seedlings dry out at any point they will bolt and go to seed. This problem is common at this time of the year.

We suggest adding in more organic matter such as compost or peat to help the soil hold onto more moisture. A layer of Tui Pea Straw Mulch around the base of the plants will help keep the soil cooler. Also, applying Debco SaturAid granular soil wetter will assist water reaching the root zone of plants and will help your plants make the most of water.

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Why are my vege seedlings quickly going to seed? Comments

  • When you talk about deep watering - how long do you water for?


  • I have and almond tree plenty of almonds on it when do I harvest them


  • Hi Lorraine, thank you for getting in touch. Almonds are generally harvested in late summer. Enjoy! Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Barbara, it depends on your soil type, what you are growing and the weather conditions. Generally 10-15 minutes with a sprinkler is a good rule of thumb, maybe a bit longer if it has been really dry. If you put a spade down into the soil you will be able to see how far the water has penetrated down. 25-30 cm (a spade depth) is the root zone. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi, depending on variety, the almond outer shell may split to expose the nut while still on the tree. Then the nut starts to dry out and can be picked at this point. Hope that helps.


  • How do I stop my herbs going to seed quickly? Should you trim back once they have flowered or just keep using them as usual?

    Carolyn Davis

  • Hi Carolyn, herbs should be regularly trimmed or harvested to maintain fresh bushy growth. Soft herbs like chervil, coriander and dill are not long lived plants, 2-3 months is about all you can expect to get out of them and over a hot summer it can be even less. They will bolt and go to seed in the summer if the soil dries out too much. They need a regular watering regime to avoid going to seed early. Suggest you allow a few to go to seed and save the seed to sow new crops every 6 weeks. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


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