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Why are the ends of my courgettes turning yellow and dropping off?


Hi, I don't know why my courgettes start growing, get to about 5cm long, and then they start turning yellow at the end and then drop off. I feed them, water them and remove powdery mildew. What is causing this? Thanks, Raewyn.


This is blossom end rot that commonly affects tomatoes, courgettes and capsicums. Often it is caused by a lack of calcium and magnesium. It can also be caused by irregular watering – the plant drying out and then heavily watered. Improve air circulation around the plants, make sure watering is consistent and apply a side dressing of Tui Dolomite Lime to correct any calcium and magnesium deficiency.

Also give your courgettes regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic to help keep them healthy and cope with extremes in temperature.

Follow our Courgette Growing Guide 

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Why are the ends of my courgettes turning yellow and dropping off? Comments

  • Can anybody tell me if you can purchase Onion sets (baby onions that get planted and grow from a bulb), Cheers

    Paul Dowers

  • for your courgettes try empsom salt 1tsp with warm water I do mine every ten days and looking good and do my peppers


  • Thanks for sharing Lorraine! Jenna - Tui Team.


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