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Why do my lemons have no juice?


Hi, my lemon tree has heaps of lemons which don't have any juice. Do you know why this is? Thanks, Pauline.


Dry lemons are normally caused through lack of water over the summer period as the fruit is forming. You can't get the moisture into your current seasons lemons but you can fix the problem so it doesn't happen next year, by watering more regularly. It can also be caused by lack of fertiliser. Now (spring) is the right time to apply Tui Citrus Food around the base of the plant then again at the end of fruiting, add a layer of mulch around the base of the plants after you fertilise to help the soil retain moisture. For citrus in containers, we recommend using Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser.


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Why do my lemons have no juice? Comments

  • Hi, I was wondering what the best treatment for white scales on rose stalks is please? When scraped off little orange beasties are underneath. Thanks Anna.


  • Hi Anna, to control scale use Tui Insect Control for Flowers: available at your local Mitre 10 or garden centre. Thanks, Tui Team


  • we just moved to kawerau and the soil here is very gritty . what kinds flower can we grow in this type just to get things started or do we need to dig out and replace with compost which my hubby had done for veges . there has never been any type garden here at all


  • Hi Annette, you don’t necessarily need to replace all the soil, but if you dig in sheep pellets and compost to the soil to add organic matter it will give any flowers you plant a better start. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • You have a mealy buy or scale insects. Very difficult to kill. Try smothering with winter oil. Worked for me but I did trim off the worst at pruning time.


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