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Why is my azalea not flowering?


Hi, can you please tell me why my azalea won't flower. I have given it some liquid fertiliser. It has grown quite a bit (it is about a foot tall) and looks lush but has no flowers! Thanks, Heather.


Azaleas flower on the previous season’s wood, and depending on which variety you have, it may not flower until after winter. Hold off giving it any more liquid fertiliser. Azaleas prefer an acidic soil. In spring feed it with Tui Acid Food which creates acidic conditions for acid-loving plants such as azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons to thrive.



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Why is my azalea not flowering? Comments

  • I rescued an azalea from a really bad, overgrown position on my new property. I cut back the growth which was spindly and only one side is flowering now. I see tiny possible leaves sprouting on the other branches but not going any further. What is happening ? Thanks!

    Mary RB

  • Hi Mary, thank you for your question. The plants energies are going into producing flower, once flowering is complete it will burst into leaf. If the azalea has been transplanted you are better to cut back the flowering branches as well so that the tree can establish itself. A dressing of sheep pellets and applications of Seasol seaweed based plant tonic will also help the tree recover. Thanks, Tui Team


  • The tips of the leaves of my azalea is turning brown. Please can you advise what to do?

    Janice Miller

    • Hi Janice, it is probably too dry, especially with the weather we have been having. Regular watering and mulching around them will help. Apply mulch after rain or when the ground it wet so that it conserves soil moisture. Azaleas like a cool moist root run so mulching will help with this also. Has fertiliser been applied? Too much fertiliser can cause burning around the leaf margins, they have a very shallow fibrous root system and if too much fertiliser is applied it can burn the roots and foliage. If you suspect it is too much fertiliser apply water around the roots and flush out for 15-20 minutes. 

      Tui Team

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