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Why is my dwarf nectarine not fruiting?


Hi, my dwarf nectarine was new in July 2014. Christmas Day 2014 it produced plenty of delicious fruits. This year it has failed to fruit. Do you know why this is and if it will fruit next season? It has plenty of leaves. It did have leaf curl, but I treated that. Thanks, Debbie.


Nectarines require chilling to set fruit, so it is important it gets a decent chill in winter. From the photo it looks like your soil is nitrogen rich so balance this with a fertiliser rich in potassium (potash) which is what you want for flower and fruit formation. Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser is rich in potassium and now is a good time to apply it as fruit buds will set now as the plant goes dormant.

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Why is my dwarf nectarine not fruiting? Comments

  • A lot of trees fruit better every 2nd year,good luck for next year


  • Can I safely relocate year old dwarf stonefruit trees? If so when is the best time and what process should I follow?


  • Hi John, yes as the trees aren't too old. Winter is the best time when they aren't actively growing. Check out our transplanting guide here for tips to relocating your trees: Thanks ^Tui Team


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