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Will my potatoes continue to grow after losing their leaves?


Hi, during the last gale we had here in the North my potatoes lost most of their leaves due to the wind, leaving only a few stalks. Will the potatoes continue to grow without the leaves or should I pull them all out and start again? Thanks, Norma


Potatoes are a hardy crop and your plants will bounce back. New shoots will appear from below the soil and new leaves may appear on the stalks that are left behind. If the stalks start dying back, cut them back to ground level, this will promote even more shoots from below the soil. Give the plants a boost by applying Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic. And if you haven’t already done so, feed them with Tui Potato Food.


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Will my potatoes continue to grow after losing their leaves? Comments

  • How often should I put potato fertiliser on my potatoes and also spray with maverick. My potatoes have been in over month and are looking really great.

    Christine Wilson

  • when do we plant parsnip please

    Raewyn Coley

  • Love the Web site, load of useful information.

    Pamela clifford

  • Good morning I have a camelia bush which has frilled edged flowers.Unfortunately the buds seem to be diseased and I don't get many flowers to bloom fully.This year only one flower opened fully . Can you tell me what I need to do to stop whatever is infecting it. Many thanks Margaret


  • Thanks you for your feedback Pamela! Happy gardening from the Tui Team


  • Hi Raewyn, thank you for your question. Parsnips are best planted August-December. Happy gardening! Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Christine, thank you for your question. Potatoes are gross feeders, feed every three to four weeks during key growth periods. In terms of spraying with Mavrik, it isn't a product of ours but you can refer to the instructions on the pack that relate to the spraying of potatoes. Good luck with your potato patch, sounds like you are already off to a good start! Thanks, Tui Team


  • Hi Margaret, it sounds like either petal blight or balling (which is caused by frost or a lot of rain). If it is balling there is not a lot you can do as it is climatic, but in the future it would be better to plant later flowering varieties to avoid climatic issues. For petal blight, use Tui Disease Eliminator for Flowers, try spraying when new buds start forming next year. Ensure the plant is well fed, mulched and has good air circulation, (and pick off any damaged buds to avoid spread) to help avoid future problems. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


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