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How to Patch a Lawn

The weather, pets, pools, and general wear and tear can impact your lawn. Autumn and spring are the ideal time for lawn TLC.

Follow the steps and watch the video below to patch your lawn.

Discover more lawn advice with the Tui LawnForce® Hub


Steps to patch a lawn

  1. Clear away existing weeds and grass.
  2. Apply a layer of Tui LawnForce® Lawn Preparation Mix 25-30mm deep to the patch
  3. Spread the mix and create a level compact area.
  4. Water before sowing, then sow at 25g per square metre, ensuring an even spread.
  5. Rake in lightly to cover the seed.
  6. Water lightly and keep moist while the seed germinates.

Wait until your lawn has grown to at least 5cm before mowing.