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Andre's Chilli & Tomato Jam

Crazy about chillies! They are easy to grow, add a punch to an endless variety of dishes, and are perfectly paired with tasty tomatoes. Try Andre's recipe that combines these two flavoursome autumn harvests into a delicious jam.


  • 500g tomatoes
  • 2 red chillies (if you prefer less heat, remove the seeds)
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 thumb ginger
  • 30ml fish sauce
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 100ml red wine vinegar
  • A drop of tomato paste
  1. Skin and blend half the tomatoes, the chillies, ginger and garlic to a fine puree.
  2. Add to a pot and heat.
  3. Add the sugar stirring all the time.
  4. Add the rest of the tomatoes diced into small cubes, and fish sauce and vinegar.
  5. Add a drop of tomato paste to give more colour and flavour.
  6. Simmer for about 45 mins until thick and jam-like.

Tip: You can keep chillies in the freezer and chop from frozen.

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Andre's Chilli & Tomato Jam Comments

  • What is a clove of Ginger ??

    John Weston

  • Hi John, good spotting! It should be thumb not clove. We have updated the recipe. Thanks, Tui Team


  • I just made Andre's recipe and it's delicious. I doubled the ingredients as I am giving away my homemade goodies to friends for Christmas. Just one question though. What is the shelf life for the recipe? Cheers Bev

    Beverley Hajdu

    • Hi Bev, that is a great idea to use up your harvests and turn them into Christmas gifts! We aren't sure on the shelf life of this jam sorry, it wasn't included with the recipe. If sealed and stored correctly, homemade jam can last up to two years. Happy gardening and cooking ^Tui Team.

      Tui Team

  • This recipe is so quick and easy to make, I may have been a little heavy handed with the chillies, but absolutely delicious. Definitely making it again 😁👍


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