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Autumn Project - Bulb Lasagne

Spring bulbs are happy growing in pots, so you don’t even need a garden to grow them!

Bulb lasagne is a great way to make the most of your spring bulbs by planting them in layers in a pot.

The bulbs planted in the top layer will bloom first, then the middle layer, then the bottom layer, giving you a succession of spring blooms.

The idea is to get continuous spring bulb flowers - early bulbs like crocus and ranunculus will put on a show first, followed by freesias and when they're finished the tulips start flowering!

Follow these simple steps to get started

  1. Fill the bottom of the pot with Tui Bulb Mix. Make sure your pot has drainage holes in the bottom!
  2. Put the bottom layer of bulbs in the bulb mix.
  3. Add 5-10cm of bulb mix and plant your next layer, then repeat.
  4. Cover your top layer of bulbs and water in well.
  5. Feed with Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser, and again when you start to see green growth.

Plant big bulbs at the bottom, such as daffodils, hyacinths or tulips, then the next largest size above that, freesia, iris, smaller sized daffodil bulbs such as tete a tete, then smallest bulbs on top such as crocus, anemone or ranunculus.  

Try to off-set the bulbs so there is space for them to grow between each other.

Discover more bulb planting inspiration here >

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