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Berry and Coconut Tart

A delicious berry tart that is simple to make and sure to impress, the combination of berries and coconut is devine. Supplied by a Tui Team member's mum, this dessert is a family favourite.


  • Sweet short pastry to line a 24cm tart tin
  • 125gm softened butter
  • 1/2 C caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 ½ C coconut
  • 1 Tbs flour
  • 3 Tbs berry jam
  •  2 punnets of fresh berries or 1 ½ C frozen (raspberries, blackberries and blueberries all work well)
  • Icing sugar to dust
  1. Line a greased tart tin with pastry and chill
  2. Turn oven to bake 175 degrees celsius
  3. Cream butter and sugar
  4. Add eggs and beat well
  5. Stir in vanilla essence, coconut and flour to form a paste
  6. Spread jam in the base of the tart, and cover with mixture
  7. Sprinkle with berries
  8. Bake 45 minutes, or until golden brown and set in the middle
  9. Cool and dust with icing sugar

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Berry and Coconut Tart Comments

  • Yum....this does sound nice. I love treats with berries added and this will be interesting with the coconut.

    Helen Hill

  • There's nothing like a yummy pud on a cool wintry night. We'll certainly be giving this one a go.

    Chris Watson

  • Have friends coming for a meal...know what my desert will be.

    Maureen Whiting

  • I can't wait to make this, love anything with coconut in and even better when berries are added. Sounds divine.


  • Sounds delish! Can't wait to try it. Have to invent a special occasion just to do this.

    Carlma Skinner

  • This is very similar to one I make without the fruit on top and using Fruit Mince instead of jam. So will be yummy!

    Carolyn Cordery

  • I made this recipe tonight and it was very nice!!! I wasn't sure what I would think of the coconut but it tasted great in the dish. I added some zest of a lemon because I like the taste with blueberries and berries. This was quick to make and the family enjoyed it so I will be making it again!!!


  • Hi Helen, that's great to hear! Thanks for your feedback, we are glad you enjoyed this recipe. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • thanks so much, now I have a great recipe to use all my frozen blueberries. they did so well this year as we covered them up with frost cloth and the birds can't get them.


  • This sounds tasty, however, I'll leave out the nasty coconut, so everyone can enjoy it.


  • Hi Sharron, you're welcome! That's fantastic you have had a successful crop of blueberries this season, well done. Thanks for your feedback ^Tui Team


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