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Brown Rice & Spring Vegetable Salad

Add some colour to your brown rice salad! This one has it - all beans, radishes, asparagus, hazelnuts, topped with pomegranate seeds and tasty Eta Avocado & Garlic Dressing.


  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 500g packet Wattie's Broad Beans
  • 1 bunch asparagus or 100g green beans, trimmed
  • 6 radishes, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 250ml bottle Eta Avocado & Garlic Dressing
  • ¼ cup toasted hazelnuts, roughly chopped
  • 2 Tbsp mint leaves
  • Seeds from ½ pomegranate

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes

  1. Place the brown rice into a medium saucepan and cook as per packet instructions.
  2. Bring a medium saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the frozen Wattie's Broad Beans, bring back to the boil and blanch for 1 minute. Remove from the saucepan, run under old water to cool then peel.
  3. Add the asparagus or beans to the water and blanch for 2 minutes until barely tender and bright green. Drain and cool in iced water. Place the rice in a salad bowl or platter with the broad beans, asparagus or green beans, radishes and baby spinach. Drizzle over ½ cup Eta Avocado & Garlic Dressing.
  4. Top with the hazelnuts, mint and pomegranate seeds. Toss gently before serving.

Try a wild rice blend instead of the brown rice.

For more tasty recipe inspiration visit

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  • Sounds yummy


  • rice salad


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