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Cannons Creek School's Vegetable Soup

Try this tasty and nutritious soup recipe which gives you the opportunity to pack in a delicious variety of seasonal vegetables available in your garden. Recipe supplied by Garden to Table School Cannons Creek School.


  • 4 litres vegetable stock
  • Salt
  • Choose from the following: 1/2 cup split red lentils, pasta (small shapes), rice, barley or soup mix
  • Parsley - large bunch chopped and added just before serving
  • Fresh vegetables (cut into small pieces):
    • Onion
    • Leek
    • Celery
    • Carrots - may be grated
    • Potatoes - may be grated
    • Pumpkin - may be grated
    • Kumara - may be grated
    • Spinach/silverbeet (stalks thinly sliced and added with vegetables, leaves shredded and added at end of cooking time)
  • Other seasonal vegetables as available
  1. Firstly, heat stock so veg can be added to hot stock. Once boiling, reduce to simmer and add lentils/rice/pasta - whichever is being used.
  2. Wash and prepare the vegetables: Onion- peel and dice, leek and celery - cut into thin slices, root vegetables - peel and dice small or grate, spinach/silverbeet - thinly slice stalks and add with vegetables, leaves shredded and added at end of cooking time.
  3. Add vegetables to pot as they are prepared.
  4. Bring to boil, then reduce to simmer until vegetables are tender (approx 25-30mins). Add more stock or boiling water if more liquid is required.
  5. Add salt to taste. Flavour will improve with longer cooking time (do not boil hard, a continuous rolling simmer is best here).
  6. When vegetables are cooked add shredded greens, if using, and cook for 5 more minutes.
  7. Add chopped parsley before serving.

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Cannons Creek School's Vegetable Soup Comments

  • looks very interesting however I struggle with recipes that do not give even vague quantiles as we know all fresh vegetable's come in different sizes

    PAUL Pickerill

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