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Garden Survey 2021 Results

In November we launched our Garden State of the Nation survey to our email members to learn about their gardens and discover more ways we can help Kiwi gardeners grow.

Check out our highlights from the results below. Thank you to everyone that took part! Congratulations to our three garden pack winners: Olivia T, Noelene M and Alan H who have been notified of their prizes.

Veges are commonly grown followed by flowers then lawns, in medium sized gardens.

Gardens have been a place to relax and enjoy.

For garden information, emails and short tip articles are popular.

Many of you would love to win the war on weeds and insect pests + diseases!

The Tui website is a go-to for garden guides, inspo and advice.

Many have created an indoor oasis and find liquid fertiliser handy to feed plant babies.

The garden is a happy place, with gardening being a hobby that helps relieve stress and brings Kiwis closer to nature.

When it comes to fertiliser, an option that feeds the whole garden is a favourite, along with natural options.

You're keen to learn and discover more about the above topics in the garden.

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Garden Survey 2021 Results Comments

  • No Surprising results, in fact I am in tune with all the results. Good to see the results and I did enjoy completing the survey too.

    Annie Percy

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