We asked our Facebook community why they garden and were blown away by the inspiring and heart-warming answers we received.
Gardening for health and wellbeing was a major theme, so we’ve put together a selection of responses about the benefits, for both mind and body, of getting in the garden.
Because I like to know where my kai (food) comes from, I like to give back to Papatūānuku (the earth), it connects me to the whenua (land). You can share knowledge that has purpose to help others. It makes me feel good, like I have a purpose and that I can have a real connection with something that gives back more than it takes and it wholeheartedly humbles me daily. – Meegan
I garden for my physical wellbeing both in exercise and for the food and beauty that it provides. It gets me moving and outdoors. – Helen
I took up gardening to produce organic foods, to pick straight from the garden. Since doing that I have come to realise the therapeutic side also, which helps me de-stress from such a busy lifestyle. Now I understand the connection people have with gardening! – Hayden
I garden because it helps my mental health. It also brings back fond childhood memories of my grandmother and I out in the garden, planting and harvesting and creating memories. I create those with my own children now. It benefits both our physical and mental health in our household and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. – Ceridwen
So many reasons. It helps my mental health. Gives me fresh air, teaches my kids where food comes from, cuts food costs. – Selina
The garden rejuvenates me. Love to put food on the table and flowers in a vase. Love the way my kittens play with the leaves, they then don't worry about birds! Butterfly heaven. – Diana
I love the meditative aspect to gardening, you do a little and get back so much more than you expect. Plus I try to better the Italian tomato haul each year with tweaks to the feeding and position. – Mary
Gardening is so grounding for me. Working in the soil, bare feet, good energies galore! Labour of love, with benefits of gathering fresh kai, fresh air, sunshine - vitamin D, exercise. The joy of watching things I have tended with love, grow and flourish and the ever present dirt under my fingernails… love it! – Gaewyn
I just love working on and creating a garden that looks good smells good and simply makes me smile! – Robyn
It helps me relax, provides fresh tasty produce and is good exercise. It's also a great bonding activity with my step-daughter as she enjoys growing things. – Brent
It's not just health and wellbeing, or what I produce. It's the activity itself, the act of creating new life and beauty in my own small way. It's where I relive my childhood in my grandmother's garden and find new treasures in my own. - Bronwyn
Create your own happy place in the garden with more advice from our Facebook community >
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